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Fishing Lures or Spoons Lightning 5/8 oz Nickel

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Made In The USA

Lightning Spoon Made in Berthoud, Colorado, U.S.A.!
The Pot-O-Gold Lightning Spoon with its humpback striker shape creates an
erratic motion simulating a wounded fish. This odd motion will drive game fish
wild by triggering their aggressive predatory nature.
These Nickel plated steel spoons come hooked and ready to go fish.

Choose a Size: 5/8 oz (2 ¾")

5/8 oz Lightning Spoons

Choose a Finish: Nickel Plated

Nickel Plated/Standard Painted Colors
star star star star star

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Lightning Spoon
5/8 oz (2 ¾")
#2 Bronze Treble Hook
Plain Nickel
per One Pack

Choose a Color: Plain Nickel

 Plain Nickel 
 Nickel Metallic Purple Nickel Back 
 Nickel Flourescent Red Nickel Back 
 Nickel Chartreuse Nickel Back 
 Nickel Flourescent Green Nickel Back 
 Nickel Metallic Blue Nickel Back 
 Nickel Metallic Green Nickel Back 
 Nickel Blue Red Spots Nickel Back 
 Brown Trout Nickel Back 
 Trout Nickel Back 
 Chartreuse Flourescent Green Nickel Back 
 Chartreuse Red Spots Nickel Back 
 Chartreuse Flourescent Red Nickel Back 
 Fire Tiger Nickel Back 
 Glow White Hot Pink Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Red Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Orange Nickel Back 
 Glow White Chartreuse Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Green Nickel Back 
 Glow White Blue Nickel Back 
 Glow White Black Nickel Back 
 Glow White Hot Pink Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Red Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Orange Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Chartreuse Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Flourescent Green Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Blue Spots Nickel Back 
 Glow White Black Spots Nickel Back 
 Premium Fire Tiger Nickel Back 
 Premium Frog Nickel Back 
 Premium Green Minnow Black Spots Nickel Back 
 Premium Green Minnow Red Spots Nickel Back 
 Premium Perch Nickel Back 
 Premium Trout Nickel Back 
 Premium Watermelon Nickel Back 
 Premium Yellow Red Diamonds Nickel Back 

Choose A Pack Size: One Pack ($4.29 ea)